Fab Find Friday: Mrs. Siemsglusz's Classes Participate in a QR Code Scavenger Hunt

 Fab Find Friday: Mrs. Siemsglusz's Classes Participate in a QR Code Scavenger Hunt

Before COVID, Mrs. Siemsglusz and I had a conversation about her family and consumer science classes not knowing about different baking and cooking utensils. Also, they did not understand the difference between TSP and TBS. We also talked about wanting to do an activity that was not in their seats, but got the students moving.

We came up with a simple QR code scavenger hunt. We came up with questions that we wanted students to know, and then we found images that students may not be familiar with like the measuring of a butter stick (see image below). Then we hung the images with QR codes around the school.

This year we revised and updated our scavenger hunt. We realized that most students had phones they wanted to use, so we did not use Ipads. The students used their phones' camera app to scan the QR codes around the school. They would find the answer to the questions we gave the students.

*Make an incentive for who answers all their questions first.
*Spread out your QR codes around the school.
*Use a free website to make your QR codes like- https://www.the-qrcode-generator.com/ 
*Provide clipboards for students to use around the school.
