Help Take Your Student's Writing To The NEXT Level With This Site!

Help Take Your Student's Writing To The NEXT Level 
With This Amazing Website!

Last week I stumbled across this helpful website, .  Text editing website that provides instant feedback, a readability score, word count, and editing suggestions.  Quick, easy, and free to use!  Instantly start typing within the text editor, or, paste in your work from another area (Google Doc, Microsoft Word Doc, etc.).  

This awesome website also has a desktop app download if you would like to get it.  The desktop app is their newly released 3.0 version of their Hemingway Editor.    

Screenshot of the online Hemingway Editor

Enjoy helping your students take their writing to the next level with this easy to use text editor.  I hope you enjoy playing around with it as much as I have.  It's really interesting to work on certain sentence structures, and work towards a better readability score.  

Check it out for yourself:

About the author of this post:

Head Shot.JPG

Tommy Spall, M.ED. 

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: @tommyspall

Instructional Technology Specialist (Prek - 4)

Contact Email:


