Tuesday Technology with Troy: Flipgrid is now FLIP

Welcome back to another great school year with Brenham Tech Daily.  While some things stay the same, others change, such as product rebranding.  Introduced to the public in 2015, Flipgrid has decided to be like a seven-year-old that no longer wants to be called by his real name Jedidiah and now wants to go by Jed.

 Flipgid now goes by Flip.  

(Luckily my name is already short so I don't have to shorten it.  If I did, then I guess I would just be T.  Also as a Flipgrid ambassador, I'm obliged to inform you that we are not called Flip Ambassadors, which could be taken incorrectly I suppose, but instead have increased our names to Flip Student Voice Ambassadors. The product loses 4 letters and the people gain two more words - go figure.) 
