Create a Useful Cursor Parking Lot! (Great Digital Classroom Management Tip)


Create a Useful Cursor Parking Lot!
(Great Digital Classroom Management Tip)

Have you ever shared editing access to a singular Google Document with all the students in your class?  How about sharing to fellow teachers during a planning meeting, or a PLC session?  Well, it can get pretty crazy on the document when everyone is clicking and trying to type over each other.  To help with this issue, you can create a useful Cursor Parking Lot!  

I always create my cursor parking lot in the upper left hand corner of my document, but you need to first choose where you want it to be on your document.  Next, after you type the title, "Cursor Parking Lot", create a line using your dash key on your keyboard (the more students you have, the bigger the lot will need to be).  Then, on the next line, use this symbol: | (shift + \) .... next, hold down the space button until the end of the dashed line, and do another |.  Do this step a second time, and add another dashed line at the bottom.  Should look like this:

Done!  Now you can have all the editors on your Google Document place their cursors inside the Cursor Parking Lot and not clicked all over the document. This is a great digital strategy to implement in your classroom so that students (or fellow teachers) are following your directions and being mindful of each other.   

Here's a quick GIF highlighting the process:

Get creative with your Cursor Parking Lots!!!  I would love to see some great variations to this!  Getting ready for the upcoming holidays?  Why not call it a Tree Farm Lot, and place your Trees in the lot.  Highlight the spaces in your lot to be a different color.... green for a football field, and have the cursors be your players.  Have fun with it!  

If you do this in your classroom or with your planning team, be sure to tag @tommyspall and share your creations or tips!

About the author of this post:

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Tommy Spall, M.ED. 

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: @tommyspall

Instructional Technology Specialist (Prek - 4)

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