Chrome Update: Organize and prioritize as you browse with the side panel


Chrome Update: Organize and prioritize as you browse with the side panel

A great way to utilize the space when you are using Google Chrome is by accessing your side panel.  Within your side panel, you can access your Reading List, Bookmarks, and Journeys.  This is a great way to gain quick access to additional content, and is readily available right in front of you without taking over the entire screen.  

To access, click on the pane icon to the left of your chrome account picture.  Once this button is clicked, a new side pane within the window will appear.  Follow the directions below to complete this process:

To view more updates, go HERE: chrome://whats-new/

About the author of this post:

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Tommy Spall, M.ED. 

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: @tommyspall

Instructional Technology Specialist (Prek - 4)

District Webmaster

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