NEW Performance Feature for Google Chrome!


NEW Performance Feature for Google Chrome!  

A new Performance feature in Google Chrome will allow you to have access to change two key settings in Google Chrome.  Memory Saver and Energy Saver are two new features that you can turn on or off to maximize battery life and be provided with a much smoother-running browser experience.  Follow this path to check out these new settings under the Performance Feature:

  • Click on the 3 vertical dots in your Google Chrome browser
  • Hover over More tools
  • Click on Performance
  • Now you'll be able to turn on or off these two options: Memory Saver and/or Energy Saver

Here is more information from Google's "The Keyword Blog":

"From the be
ginning, we designed Chrome for speed. But performance is more than just delivering a fast browsing experience. Today, we’re announcing Chrome will now be optimized for your device’s battery and system memory.

With the latest release of Chrome on desktop, we’re introducing two new performance settings so Chrome uses up to 40% and 10GB less memory to keep your tabs running smoothly, and extend your battery when it’s running low. We’ll be rolling out both Memory Saver and Energy Saver modes over the next several weeks globally for Windows, macOS and ChromeOS."

Read More from "The Keyword" HERE

About the author of this post:

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Tommy Spall, M.ED. 

Follow me on Twitter and Instagram: @tommyspall

Instructional Technology Specialist (Prek - 4)

District Webmaster

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