Web Tool Wednesday: Subscribing via Blogger

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Do you want daily strategies to help with your instruction?  Let our BISDwired Team supply you with daily motivation, instructional strategies, tech tips, resources, and much more!  Follow the directions below to SUBSCRIBE to our daily blog!


To subscribe to our daily blog:
  1. Upper right-hand side, type your email into the subscribe box.
  2. Follow the steps to finish subscribing
  3. (If step 2 doesn’t work, you will have to open an incognito window and repeat steps 2 & 3.) (see below)

In case of step 2 not working for you…. Here’s how to get to an Incognito Mode: (below)  (Once in Incognito Mode, continue steps 2 and 3.)


BISDwired Team:
Website and Blog
