Must Know Monday: Getting Ready For the 100th Day of School!

Getting Ready For the 100th Day of School

Yes, you are correct... there are 100 circles in the title picture of this blog post!  I'm just trying to get prepared and excited for the 100th day of school.  

In Brenham ISD, that day falls on Monday, February 5th!  

During my morning workout I might actually complete 100 push-ups... or rather, just eat 100 donut holes... We'll see how I feel that morning.  Our students might go through 100 pencils on this day, or rip up 100 erasers... just to stay in the theme of the day. :)   

Whatever you choose to do in your classroom, let's remember to celebrate this annual accomplishment.  You've made it!  

Your students have loved your lesson plans, completed your daily activities, hung onto every word of your oral readings, and have hopefully been present for all 100 days!  In today's society, with drop-out rates, days missed, sick days, and everything else that keeps kids out of school... You and your students have been dominating with fantastic collaboration inside your classroom! 

So, pat yourself on the back and enjoy today's accomplishment!

To help you with instruction in your classroom, here are some great activities and resources that we recommend:

75 Clever Ideas for the 100th Day

32 Quick & Fun activities for the 100th Day
via Scholastic

100th day of school activities

Also, check out our MOST VIEWED blog post EVER:
Splat Square (100 grid for an Interactive Whiteboard)
