Friday Follow Up: Great #Edtech Posts From this Week! (12/02/19 - 12/06/19)

Week in Review: 12/02/19 - 12/06/19
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Trevor and Martin have recently showed us how to use the pdf annotation tool on our touch screen Chromebook. This is great for....
Chromecast + Touch Screen Chromebook + PDF Annotating Tool = Walking Around the Room Writing on a PDF

Among the nine areas of being a responsible digital citizen that were proposed by M. Ribble (2015), (access, commerce, communication, literacy, etiquette, law, rights/responsibilities, health/wellness, and digital security), spotting....

Gimkit has created something new called KitCodes.  They are the same as regular Gimkits, but with the idea that students have to move around the classroom to shop. When students enter the shop, they won't be able to....

Canva is a great tool to use for this season and for the whole school year. With Canva, you can create cards, invitations, posters, brochures, newsletters, and more. It is....

Next week is Hour of Code 2019!  We LOVE participating in this annual event!  Please check out our BISDwired website for resources and more....

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Tom Spall
Troy Kuhn
Brittni Branton
