
Appy Tuesday: Free Apps

Making Connections Monday: GEGs (Google Educator Groups) #bisdwired

Think Google Thursday: Texas Google Summit 2015

Whats Up Wednesday: Smore: Spread the word online, as easy as making a flyer.

Making Connections Monday: Jon Samuelson.... A.K.A @ipadSammy

Fab Find Friday: g(Math) for Forms

Think Google Thursday: Have you heard of Google Inbox?

Whats Up Wednesday: Need some Ed blogs to follow?

Making Connections Monday: One of Brenham's Finest... Mr. Benjamin Lewis.

Think Google Thursday: Auto-advance Gmail lab (you NEED this!)

Whats Up Wednesday: "Word Clouds" with Tagxedo and Wordle

Making Connections Monday: Walking the Plank with Dave Burgess @burgessdave