Friday Follow Up: Great #Edtech Posts From This Past Week! (11/04/19 - 11/08/19)

Week in Review: 11/04/19 - 11/08/19
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Call it what you want: morning meetings, huddles, or coffee breaks, no matter the name, these morning meetings are beneficial for both the teacher and....

Unfortunately, many of you have experienced the other kind - PHISHING -  you know the cyber attack kind disguised an email. Whether it be a scam asking you to a request to your bank account so the Prince of some country can send you a check....

I'll preface this blog post by saying, "Yes, I know Google Docs has a talk to text feature (Voice Typing) embedded within its toolbar under 'tools'."  As a Google For EDU district, we love using this....

Several teachers use VR (Virtual Reality) throughout our district. Some teachers use it when they introduce a novel, some teachers use it when they are introducing or wrapping up a unit of study, and some teachers use it to....

Every couple of years I discover a NEW favorite tool.  Flippity has, by far, been my favorite digital tool over the last couple years.  If a teacher has a need or an idea for his/her classroom, usually this....

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Tom Spall
Troy Kuhn
Brittni Branton
