Friday Follow Up: Great #Edtech Posts From this Week! (12/09/19 - 12/13/19)

Week in Review: 12/09/19 - 12/13/19
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With this blog post we have attached tons of resources, videos, ideas and more on our 2019 HOC website.  Also, check out our 2019 wrap-up and the participation numbers from last week....

Students are told "Be careful who share your images with online" or "Don't share that kind of image with anyone", yet it still happens.  Unfortunately, an ugly trend is increasing where students are being....

A few weeks ago we discussed all the great podcasts out there to listen to in your car or at home.  I wanted to share about how students can create podcasts in the classroom. I even went to a conference where a presenter talked about students entering into a contest with....

Go back a couple of weeks and check out our first podcasts post....

Did you know you can create and run polls from your Google Slides?  By adding the Slido add-on inside of Slides, you'll be able to create polls without even leaving your....

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Here is a great list from the @BISDwiredTeam regarding 5 different things you can do over winter break....

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Tom Spall
Troy Kuhn
Brittni Branton
